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Shader "Learning Unity Shader/Lecture 14/Basic Rim Shader" { //-----------------------------------【属性 || Properties】------------------------------------------ Properties { //主颜色 || Main Color _MainColor("【主颜色】Main Color", Color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5,1) //漫反射纹理 || Diffuse Texture _TextureDiffuse("【漫反射纹理】Texture Diffuse", 2D) = "white" {} //边缘发光颜色 || Rim Color _RimColor("【边缘发光颜色】Rim Color", Color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5,1) //边缘发光强度 ||Rim Power _RimPower("【边缘发光强度】Rim Power", Range(0.0, 36)) = 0.1 //边缘发光强度系数 || Rim Intensity Factor _RimIntensity("【边缘发光强度系数】Rim Intensity", Range(0.0, 100)) = 3 } //----------------------------------【子着色器 || SubShader】--------------------------------------- SubShader { //渲染类型为Opaque,不透明 || RenderType Opaque Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" } //---------------------------------------【唯一的通道 || Pass】------------------------------------ Pass { //设定通道名称 || Set Pass Name Name "ForwardBase" //设置光照模式 || LightMode ForwardBase Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" } //-------------------------开启CG着色器编程语言段 || Begin CG Programming Part---------------------- CGPROGRAM //【1】指定顶点和片段着色函数名称 || Set the name of vertex and fragment shader function #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag //【2】头文件包含 || include #include "UnityCG.cginc" #include "AutoLight.cginc" //【3】指定Shader Model 3.0 || Set Shader Model 3.0 #pragma target 3.0 //【4】变量声明 || Variable Declaration //系统光照颜色 uniform float4 _LightColor0; //主颜色 uniform float4 _MainColor; //漫反射纹理 uniform sampler2D _TextureDiffuse; //漫反射纹理_ST后缀版 uniform float4 _TextureDiffuse_ST; //边缘光颜色 uniform float4 _RimColor; //边缘光强度 uniform float _RimPower; //边缘光强度系数 uniform float _RimIntensity; //【5】顶点输入结构体 || Vertex Input Struct struct VertexInput { //顶点位置 || Vertex position float4 vertex : POSITION; //法线向量坐标 || Normal vector coordinates float3 normal : NORMAL; //一级纹理坐标 || Primary texture coordinates float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0; }; //【6】顶点输出结构体 || Vertex Output Struct struct VertexOutput { //像素位置 || Pixel position float4 pos : SV_POSITION; //一级纹理坐标 || Primary texture coordinates float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0; //法线向量坐标 || Normal vector coordinates float3 normal : NORMAL; //世界空间中的坐标位置 || Coordinate position in world space float4 posWorld : TEXCOORD1; //创建光源坐标,用于内置的光照 || Function in AutoLight.cginc to create light coordinates LIGHTING_COORDS(3,4) }; //【7】顶点着色函数 || Vertex Shader Function VertexOutput vert(VertexInput v) { //【1】声明一个顶点输出结构对象 || Declares a vertex output structure object VertexOutput o; //【2】填充此输出结构 || Fill the output structure //将输入纹理坐标赋值给输出纹理坐标 o.texcoord = v.texcoord; //获取顶点在世界空间中的法线向量坐标 o.normal = mul(float4(v.normal,0), _World2Object).xyz; //获得顶点在世界空间中的位置坐标 o.posWorld = mul(_Object2World, v.vertex); //获取像素位置 o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex); //【3】返回此输出结构对象 || Returns the output structure return o; } //【8】片段着色函数 || Fragment Shader Function fixed4 frag(VertexOutput i) : COLOR { //【8.1】方向参数准备 || Direction //视角方向 float3 ViewDirection = normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos.xyz - i.posWorld.xyz); //法线方向 float3 Normalection = normalize(i.normal); //光照方向 float3 LightDirection = normalize(_WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz); //【8.2】计算光照的衰减 || Lighting attenuation //衰减值 float Attenuation = LIGHT_ATTENUATION(i); //衰减后颜色值 float3 AttenColor = Attenuation * _LightColor0.xyz; //【8.3】计算漫反射 || Diffuse float NdotL = dot(Normalection, LightDirection); float3 Diffuse = max(0.0, NdotL) * AttenColor + UNITY_LIGHTMODEL_AMBIENT.xyz; //【8.4】准备自发光参数 || Emissive //计算边缘强度 half Rim = 1.0 - max(0, dot(i.normal, ViewDirection)); //计算出边缘自发光强度 float3 Emissive = _RimColor.rgb * pow(Rim,_RimPower) *_RimIntensity; //【8.5】计在最终颜色中加入自发光颜色 || Calculate the final color //最终颜色 = (漫反射系数 x 纹理颜色 x rgb颜色)+自发光颜色 || Final Color=(Diffuse x Texture x rgbColor)+Emissive float3 finalColor = Diffuse * (tex2D(_TextureDiffuse,TRANSFORM_TEX(i.texcoord.rg, _TextureDiffuse)).rgb*_MainColor.rgb) + Emissive; //【8.6】返回最终颜色 || Return final color return fixed4(finalColor,1); } //-------------------结束CG着色器编程语言段 || End CG Programming Part------------------ ENDCG } } //后备着色器为普通漫反射 || Fallback use Diffuse FallBack "Diffuse" }